Playing a video

Playing a video in our frame is basically done in three steps:


Decoding video frames

To decode the video frames we use FFmpeg with bindings provided by JavaCV. So, we can basically make a class called FFmpegFrameGrabber do all the work for us. 🥳

First, we need initialize a FFmpegFrameGrabber and then start it:

File file = ...;
FFmpegFrameGrabber grabber = new FFmpegFrameGrabber(file);

Here we want to read and decode a file.

If we want to read from a stream we need to do some adjustments to prevent it from reading the stream to its end when calling start:

InputStream in = ...;
grabber = new FFmpegFrameGrabber(in, 0);

We first need to pass this 0 as the second argument to the constructor to tell the FrameGrabber not to read the stream in chunks. This makes it impossible to seek the stream backwards, but we are fine with that, because we don’t want to do that anyway.

Then we need to tell the FrameGrabber which format the stream is gonna be in. In our case that is mp4. I’m not sure which formats are possible, just read the documentation or try it out.

Finally we need to pass false to the start method’s findStreamInfo argument. This tells the FrameGrabber not to read the stream info. This heavily reduces startup time, because for MP4 this information is located at the end of the file or stream. So, passing true (or nothing) would require the stream to be fully read before we can start decoding.


Using all these options might decrease stability of the FrameGrabber, but we don’t really care about that. Losing a few frames should not be a problem after all.

Actually grabbing the frame is the same no matter if we read from a stream or a file:

Frame frame = grabber.grabImage();
ByteBuffer buf = (ByteBuffer) frame.image[0];

We can simply grab an image frame using grabImage and then retrieve the raw image from the image array in the Frame.

Luckily we don’t need to de- or encode the image, because OpenGL can handle the raw image as it is decoded by the FrameGrabber.

Uploading frames to an OpenGL texture

Uploading the image to and OpenGL texture is even easier:

glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,         // target to upload the image to
             0,                     // level of detail
             GL_RGB8,               // internal format
             frame.imageWidth,      // frame width
             frame.imageHeight,     // frame height
             0,                     // border width
             GL_BGR,                // texel format
             GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,      // texel type
             buf);                  // image

Most of those argument are either not important or should be easy to understand with basic knowledge of OpenGL. Just look at the documentation or read/watch some OpenGL tutorials.


We pass GL_BGR and not GL_RGB as texel format. That is also the format the FrameGrabber decodes the video to. If you don’t pay attention to this, your colors might get messed up.

Rendering a plane with OpenGL